Discover Your Potential

  • Self-Discovery: Take a personality assessment. Uncover your core values and personality strengths in order to drive self-awareness.
  • Explore Your Passions: Dive into extracurricular activities that align with your values and strengths. From clubs and sports to community service and arts, find what ignites your passion.
  • Chart Your Course: Take an interest assessment to explore potential college majors and careers. Our assessment not only takes into account the student’s interests and behavioral traits, it also takes into account the student’s verbal and numerical abilities to help ensure the best match possible. Use this insight to plan your high school classes.

Build Essential Skills

  • Time Management and Study Skills: Develop effective strategies to balance academics, extracurriculars, and personal life. Get Smarter Prep can provide valuable resources.
  • Summer Enrichment: Choose a summer experience that aligns with your interests. Whether it’s a volunteer project, internship, or academic program, expand your horizons.
  • GPA: Start off Freshman year as best as you can. Set a strong foundation for your high school career.

Create Your Roadmap

  • Track Your Journey: Maintain an activity log to document extracurricular involvement, awards, and accomplishments. This will be invaluable for college applications. Get Smarter Prep has an activity log if needed.
  • Seek Guidance: Meet with your school counselor regularly to discuss course selection, extracurricular opportunities, and college planning.
  • Family Involvement: Parents, explore college savings options and research financial aid opportunities.
  • Athlete Alert: If you’re an athlete, familiarize yourself with NCAA and NAIA recruiting guidelines. Make sure to sign up for camps along the way.

Expand Your World

  • Summer Reading: Immerse yourself in books to broaden your vocabulary and perspectives.

By following this checklist and utilizing Get Smarter Prep’s resources, you’ll lay a strong foundation for high school success and beyond. Let us know how our tutors and college counselors can help along the way.