A blueprint to college success. As a high school senior, the college application process can be a daunting task, but we’ve got your back! With the right guidance and organization, you can navigate this journey smoothly and effectively. We know how busy students are their senior year, so to help you stay on track and ensure a successful application process, here is a step-by-step guide to follow.

September – November

  • Finalize Your College List: Take the time to confirm your top choices, application deadlines, and specific requirements for each school you wish to apply to.
  • Craft Supplemental Essays: Tailor your essays to each college’s unique prompts, showcasing your individuality and fit for the institution.
  • Seek Expert Review: Have a trusted advisor or professional review your Common Application and personal statement to ensure they are polished and compelling.
  • Research Scholarships: Identify scholarships that align with your interests and qualifications, noting deadlines and any additional requirements.
  • Schedule Interviews: Set up on-campus or local representative interviews with your preferred colleges to make a positive impression.
  • Communicate with Recommenders: Update your Letter of Recommendation Questionnaire and request letters from teachers and counselors who know you well.
  • Apply for Scholarships: Begin applying for scholarships throughout the school year to increase your chances of securing financial aid.
  • Financial Aid Preparation (for Parents): Help your parents start gathering necessary documents and creating a financial aid deadlines list for a smooth application process.

November – December

  • Early Admission and Early Decision: Submit all applications by late October to meet early admission and early decision deadlines.
  • Portfolio-Based Programs: If you are applying to arts programs, make sure to meet the December 1st deadlines.
  • Meet with Counselor: Discuss your college list, application deadlines, and any questions with your school counselor to receive valuable guidance.
  • Attend High School Presentations: Participate in college-related events and presentations to gather additional information.
  • Financial Aid Applications: Complete the FAFSA and CSS/PROFILE (if required) to apply for financial aid.
  • Final College Visits: Visit your top college choices to get a feel for the campus and make an informed decision.
  • Submit Test Scores: Send your test scores to colleges, ensuring they accept self-reported scores if applicable.
  • Deliver Letters and Transcripts: Request your school counseling office to send required documents, such as letters of recommendation and transcripts, to colleges promptly.

January – March

  • Deferred Applications: If your application is deferred, follow up with the admissions representative with an email reaffirming your interest and providing updates.
  • Await Decisions: Monitor your applications and patiently wait for college decisions to come in.
  • College Choice: Upon acceptance, plan visits to your top choices and attend any admitted student events to get a firsthand experience.
  • Evaluate Financial Aid: Compare financial aid packages and scholarship offers to determine the best way to finance your education.
  • Enroll and Submit Deposit: Enroll in your chosen college and submit a deposit by May 1st to secure your spot.
  • Notify School Counselor: Keep your counselor informed of your college decisions and any scholarship opportunities you receive.
  • Waitlist: If you find yourself on a waitlist, send a follow-up email expressing your continued interest and providing any relevant updates.

April – August

  • Campus Housing: Sign up for on-campus housing if it’s something you’re interested in.
  • Save for College: Continue saving for college expenses to ensure you’re financially prepared.
  • Waitlist Notifications: Keep an eye on your email for any updates regarding waitlist offers.
  • Orientation Sessions: Attend orientation sessions to get acquainted with the campus and your future student life.
  • Meal Plans and Class Registration: Sign up for meal plans and register for classes to streamline your campus experience.
  • Dorm Preparation: Gather all necessary items for your dorm room and classes to start the semester prepared.
  • Roommate Contact: Reach out to your future roommate(s) to start building a positive relationship.
  • Travel and Move-In Arrangements: Make arrangements for travel and move-in to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Scholarship Applications: Don’t forget to continue applying for scholarships to ease the financial burden of college.
  • Academic Advisor Meeting: Schedule a meeting with an academic advisor to discuss your course plan and ensure you’re on the right track academically.

By following this comprehensive checklist, staying organized, and taking each step one by one, you can successfully navigate the college application process and make informed decisions about your college career. Good luck on your journey to college!