Master Level Tutoring Packages

Master Level Tutors offer a combination of experience & commitment. They have been with Get Smarter Prep for between 2.5 & 7 years and have demonstrated their consistent reliability when it comes to helping students improve on the ACT. Their students steady score increases command a loyal customer base who have had their college choices deeply impacted by higher scores.

9-Hr Tutorial

$2475 /9 Hours
  • Includes Materials
  • One Practice Test

12-Hr Tutorial

$3300 /12 Hours
  • Includes Materials
  • One Practice Test

15-Hr Tutorial

$4125 /15 Hours
  • Includes Materials*
  • Two Practice Tests*
  • Online Video Access*
  • 50% Off Flex Tutoring*
  • *Added Value $834

18-Hr Tutorial

$4950 /18 Hours
  • Includes Materials*
  • Two -Three Practice Tests*
  • Online Video Access*
  • 4-Pack of Flex Tutoring*
  • + 50% Off additional FLEX Tutoring*
  • * Added Value $1194

24-Hr Tutorial

$6600 /24 Hours
  • Includes Materials*
  • Three Practice Tests*
  • Online Video Access*
  • 4-Pack of Flex Tutoring*
  • + 50% Off additional FLEX Tutoring*
  • 1-hour group review of April, June, & September exams.*
  • * Added Value $1516

Registration Form

Please fill out the registration form in its entirety.

Why Choose GSP?

Our Tutors help each student increase their confidence, work to alleviate test anxiety, identify strengths and areas the student wants to improve, and, in the end, maximize the student’s potential with a great score. We help you discover ways to study better and retain knowledge.

What to expect during each session

Private, one-on-one sessions are typically scheduled for 1.5 hours, once per week leading right up to the student’s test date, i.e. a 12-hr Tutorial will be held over eight weeks. Sessions will be focused on teaching students the best strategies for the exam, the tendencies of the test makers, review of pertinent content, and the right pacing for the student. Students should expect 2-4 hours of homework from each session…and they’re always welcome to ask for more!

Hourly Rates...just in case

If you’re wanting to schedule a shorter tutorial (or add an extra session or two), you’re welcome to add additional hours to the tutoring packages above.

Standard-Level: $175/hr
Master-Level: $275/hr
Premier-Level: $400/hr


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