
GSP in a Nutshell

Expert tutors, knowledgeable in every facet of the exam
Customized, personal approach for each student
Classes & Tutoring feature official practice questions
Learn how to build your confidence, manage test anxiety, & identify your strengths
Discover new ways to better prepare & retain what you’ve learned
Kansas City-based, Kansas City-focused since 2006
Find out where you stand

Take a FREE Practice ACT or SAT. We offer these tests every Saturday morning at 8:45 AM.

Expert Tutors

Our tutors must score in the top 1% in each section of the exam in order to successfully begin as a tutor.

Customized Approach

We believe each student will see the most success when they are provided the right strategies for their goal.

Industry Leading

Having been in business for nearly 20 years, we’ve learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t.

A Good Investment

We strive to ensure that the time you spend with GSP always proves to be a great investment for your family.


Amazing Students


Client Satisfaction


Expert Tutors


Students Recommend GSP

Meet Our Staff

Audrey Hazzard Director of Curriculum & New Initiatives
Caleb Pierce President
Jill Purcell Marketing Director
Noelle Enderby Scheduling Coordinator

Listen each week.

Listen to find out how students can score better on college placement tests, with techniques and methods that build confidence, beat test anxiety, and identify strengths within each student.


What Our Students Say About Us

Jennifer Regas

My daughter participated in the 8-week program to help with her ACT score. The classes were great, created accountability and structure, and we are super happy to report she increased her ACT score by 4 points. I would absolutely recommend Get Smarter Prep. It was a great experience!!

Olathe Northwest Parent | Class of 2026

Kristin Kratofil

Caleb was amazing – he really helped my son learn how he could improve his score and had a great demeanor. Most importantly, my son got the result he wanted.

Rockhurst High School Parent | Class of 2026

Christy Schoenfeld

Both my son and daughter saw 5 point improvements after their tutoring with Get Smarter Prep! We would highly recommend to anyone!

St. Teresa’s Academy & Rockhurst Parent | Class of 2026 & 2025

David Hunt

Get Smart Prep made such a huge difference in our daughter’s test scores. A dramatic increase in only two months time. 

Shawnee Mission East Parent | Class of 2026

Sylvia Haverty

We had a great experience with Get Smarter Prep! Our daughter increased her test scores by 3 points by going through the program, and she really liked the tutors; thought they were great!

St. Teresa’s Academy High School Parent | Class of 2026